In That 90's Show, it is revealed that Eric eventually married Donna and they had a daughter named Leia, named after Princess Leia. Eric returns for the series finale, reuniting with Donna. He decides to become a teacher after high school, and he leaves the series at the end of the seventh season to teach in Africa. He is in a relationship with his longtime love and neighbor Donna Pinciotti.

Red is always hard on him (as a way to toughen him to be a man). Eric convinces his parents to let his best friend Steven Hyde move in with them, making Hyde like a brother. He does, however, have a deadpan sense of humor that rivals that of his father, Red, and is far from afraid of asserting himself should he be pushed too far. Portrayed by Topher Grace: The protagonist Eric is a nice guy, generally nerdy, clumsy, and accident-prone. ^ Credited through episodes 1-10 and 13 as main cast otherwise does not appear and is uncredited.